»summaery2023«, the university’s annual exhibition from 13 to 16 July, is the time to present projects and discourses of the current academic year, and to share and exchange individual ideas with each other. Discover the results of this year’s work and allow yourself to be inspired by out »23:gardens« and to contribute your own insights. We are looking forward to it.
In the project "Lernraum.Bauhaus" we want to show ways how hybrid learning spaces at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar can be designed and used in the future. For Summaery 2022 we would like to present approaches and concepts of the initial projects from the four faculties of the university that consider and experiment with the topic of "Learning with objects" in real and virtual space. The aim is both to experiment and transform between these two spheres and create many connecting points that explore the various disciplines of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar in an innovative way.
Furthermore, we are pleased to present a collaborative project by Alexander König and his students in the Hybrid Learning Studio Non Machine-Machine Integration.
13 - 16 July 2023
Amalienstrasse 13
Thursday 4 pm - 8 pm
Friday and Saturday 12 pm - 8 pm
Sunday 12 pm - 6 pm